The 4 Biggest non-COVID Healthcare Election Issues to know

Other than COVID-19, there have been plenty of other talking points in healthcare leading up to the 2020 election. Here's a breakdown of the 4 biggest healthcare election issues facing voters.

Healthcare Election Issue #1: Healthcare Spending Reform

Healthcare Election Issue

The U.S. spends much more than other developed countries on its healthcare system.

Healthcare Election Issue #2: Prescription Drug Pricing

Healthcare Election Issue
Drug List Price Fixing

Lowering prescription out of pocket costs has been an extremely popular topic lately.

Healthcare Election Issue #3: Surprise Medical Billing

Patients who visit the ER or hospital will sometimes receive high-cost medical bills from providers who were out of their insurance plan’s network. Multiple bill proposals are floating around Congress.

Healthcare Election Issue #4: The Affordable Care Act’s Legality

The Affordable Care Act has once again been challenged in court. After the Trump administration removed the individual mandate – which required everyone to have health insurance or pay a fine – certain states challenged the legality of the entire ACA, claiming that the ACA is unconstitutional without the individual mandate.

  • The Supreme Court is slated to review the newest ACA case in its next term, starting in October 2020.
  • Other things to know: If the ACA were declared illegal, this ruling would affect quite a few Americans and their access to health insurance until a new healthcare system replaces it.
  • What might replace the ACA? In our Election 2020 healthcare HUB, we take a deeper dive into where each candidate stands on healthcare.

Trump creates his own Medicaid
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

Other Healthcare election resources from the Healthy Muse.

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